/ Payment

We strive to make shopping in our store convenient and hassle-free. We offer a variety of payment options that are 100% secure. You can use popular debit and credit cards or the Blik or PayPal services. It is also possible to pay in cash on delivery. All payment methods are secure, and customer contact details and payment information are encrypted and secured. The payment authorization takes place immediately, right after entering the data on the payment platform and its approval.

/ On-line payments



This is one of the quickest forms of online pay-by-link payments, which will allow you to securely make a transaction by transferring funds directly from your bank. Our store will redirect you to the website of the PayU payment operator. Here you choose your bank, enter your login and password and confirm the transfer. You do not have to fill in the seller's or your own details or enter the transaction amount, as in the case of a traditional transfer. Everything will be filled-in automatically in the form, and you will only have to confirm that everything is correct. The transaction is confirmed immediately or a few minutes after the transfer is made. PayU provides you with security in a number of ways. First of all, the data for transactions are completed automatically, which means that there are no mistakes, and another important factor is that all transactions and transfers are encrypted. In addition, the numbers of accounts to which you transfer money are verified by operators.




Payment by credit card

To make a credit card payment, you must enter the card number, expiration date and the three-digit security code on the back of the card. Please make sure that the entered data is correct to avoid delays. Upon placing the order, our shop will be approved to authorize the invoice amount on your credit card. However, the actual debit of the card will only take place after the goods have been shipped. To ensure the highest level of transaction security, we use the standards of 3D-Secure technology when paying by credit card. This means adding one additional step to be performed when carrying out the payment procedure for purchases in the online store. After entering the card details and their verification, the customer will be additionally redirected to his bank's website in order to enter the one-time 3D-Secure authorization code



Google Pay

A fast and secure payment by credit card with the help of a Google account. All you need to do is add the card to your Google account and from now on you will pay with two clicks. After placing the order, you will be redirected to the system, where you will be asked to confirm the transaction. The execution of your order will start after the transaction is approved by the system.



Apple Pay

Just add a credit, debit, or prepaid card to Wallet on your Apple iPhone. When paying with Apple Pay, your card details are not stored on your device or shared during the transaction. To unlock the Apple Pay contactless payment function, it is necessary to authenticate the owner via FaceID or TouchID, so even in the case of theft of the phone, you do not have to worry that someone will use it to make the payment. After configuring Apple Pay, you can easily and quickly pay for purchases or bills with your card - without filling in data each time.




An online payment system that allows you to make safe, simple and quick payments on the websites of online stores, which does not charge any fees for its intermediation. You can link your bank account or credit card to your PayPal account. To open an account with PayPal, please visit their website for more information (www.paypal.com). While completing the payment process, you will be redirected to the PayPal website where you will need to log into your PayPal account and complete the transaction. If the payment is successful, you will be automatically returned to the online store. Please note that your PayPal account must have sufficient funds to complete the transaction. Once your payment has been credited to our account, you will receive an e-mail from PayPal containing the payment confirmation, as well as a second message from our online store confirming your order.



Security of your data

To ensure that your order and credit card information is kept safe, we always send your information in encrypted form. We use the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol.


/ Cash on delivery

Cash On Delivery

Cash on delivery is a type of courier service that you will only pay for upon delivery. Payment (for content and delivery) is made upon delivery. Cash on delivery is an alternative to the prepaid one, i.e. the one that is paid in advance - by traditional bank transfer or via a quick online payment system. In this case, the entire amount due must be paid before the goods are dispatched. You pay for the COD delivery to the courier. The amount is usually paid in cash, but some courier companies equip their employees with payment terminals, so you can pay for the shipment by contactless or by a transaction confirmed with a PIN number.